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At this point, visiting that one Brutalist resort in Utah (you know the one) is an Instagram flex—and a very expensive one. No shade to the iconic resort, where concrete three-walled rooms overlook the Grand Staircase and the pool hugs a mesa, but there’s a new, less-budget-breaking concrete paradise in town. Well, not exactly in town, but 1,400 miles away on Mexico’s Baja peninsula. And this one, Paradero Todos Santos, comes with a side of beach. 

Courtesy of Paradero Todos Santos

First things first: Don’t let the crowded, partyer-filled Los Cabos Airport fool you—the 41-suite Paradero sits squarely in a cacti forest that overlooks the Sierra Laguna mountains and is about a mile away from the beach and, philosophically speaking, all of your back-home problems. (You can hike to the water, but a hotel shuttle will take you there, too.) 

Courtesy of Paradero Todos Santos

Brutalism, as an architectural style, can come off as cold, but in a desert atmosphere, the minimalism just works. Even inside the suites, the concrete walls never feel brooding or serious, and woven mats, floor-to-ceiling curtains, and a daybed create coziness. At Paradero, there are two types of suites: Ground-floor rooms have private gardens and outdoor bathtubs, and upper-floor ones have two levels, the top one with a net for reading or stargazing. 


Courtesy of Paradero Todos Santos
Courtesy of Paradero Todos Santos

Plus no matter where you wander, there’s always a soft spot for hanging. You won’t find stiff plastic chaises at the pool. Instead you’re greeted by oversize beanbag loungers, similar to the ones that inhabit the rooftops of upper-level rooms. In the lobby, a sunken living room is filled with plush pillows where “just one more” mezcal margarita is always a good idea—you can always sweat it out the next day in a ritual temazcal, an igloo-shaped sauna experience that’s on-site, just steps from the spa and within the courtyard’s lush botanical garden, courtesy of Mexico City–based landscape design company Polen.

Courtesy of Paradero Todos Santos

Once you’ve settled in, you might not even want to wander from the resort—I mean, that infinity pool!—but if you do, make sure it’s for an overnight stay on Paradero’s catamaran, which is run by the resort and has the same crazy-good food, from ceviche to perfect guacamole, and sleeping quarters for up to eight guests. Floating on the Sea of Cortez, freshly mixed margarita in hand, it’s hard to forget that even in a world where Brutalism exists, some of the best architectural styles come from Mother Nature herself.

Courtesy of Paradero Todos Santos